Thursday, February 1, 2007

indian space journey

the indian space journey can be dated back when the indians successfully launched the aryabhata satellite into the space and the whole story continued till 2007 when the indian space scientists led by Dr madhavan nair , chief of "indian space research organisation " was able to get back the whole space capsule SRE-1 which was sent to space along with 2 other satellites in december-2006. i think this is a great feat as only 5 countries as been able to do so including india in bringing back the space capsule containing the satellite to the earth surface. this is the first step towards a manned mission to space. the india is hoping to send a manned mission in the year 2018 and i think this is a great step towards it. the indian space research organisation is said to be the maker of the least cosliest rockets in the world. this makes the india a hub for a space research in the world.

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